A loan helped a member rent a larger workspace.

Jesus Obrero Group's story


Lorenza is the secretary of the Jesus Obrero Communal Alliance. She is the single mother of three children. Her oldest daughter is a young woman who lives on her own. She tries to help her young children get ahead in life through her strength and dedication.

Lorenza is a hard working, optimistic woman. As a young woman she worked as a maid, but she had to resign when her first child was born, because she did not have enough time to raise her children well. Thanks to her sister’s idea and help, she started her own business selling soup. She has been doing this for two years and has been making good money.

She plans to rent a larger location for her business, but her big dream is to someday buy her own location and become a great entrepreneur.

In this group: Lorenza Dolores, Romulo, Maria Del Pilar, Nilda Marisol, Lorenza Dolores, Elizabeth, Ivone, Elizabeth Maria, Franklin Jesus, Gloria Domitila

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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