A loan helped to buy fertilisers for the banana plantation for quality production.

Serina's story

Serina is a resident of Rakai District. She is a mother of three school-going children. Serina is a farmer growing bananas and coffee to earn a livelihood and support the family.

Serina is faced with poor production due to infertility of the soils yet her capital is too little to fight the situation. Serina has approached UGAFODE for a loan of 2,000,000 UGX to buy fertilisers for the banana plantation to harvest good yields for better earnings so that she can cater to the family.

Serina is so optimistic that with KIVA funds, she will be able to cater to her family and her children will continuously attend school.

Thank you lenders.

This loan is special because:

It helps rural farmers to increase productivity and their income.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details