A loan helped to purchase sand, cement, brick and other equipment to build a toilet.

Tâm's story

Tâm is 43 years old and married with 2 children. She is an ethnic minority living in Nhu Thanh district, a rural town in Thanh Hoa province, very far from the center. She speaks ethnic minority languages and rarely leaves the village, so she has no opportunity to access financial services.

Tâm has worked in agriculture, planting trees, for more than 10 years. Her family is a low-income household in the village and her job is unstable.

Tâm has asked Thanh Hoa MFI for a loan with which she plans to build a toilet in her house, given that she does not have one. She will purchase sand, cement, brick and other equipment to build the toilet.

This is Tâm's first loan with Thanh Hoa Microfinance Institution. Tâm hopes for her business to do well, for her family to be healthy and happy, and to build a new house.

This loan is special because:

It supports women from ethnic communities and single parent families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details