A loan helped to pay for his medication so he will heal quickly and return to his normal activities.

Emomudin's story

This is Emomudin. He is 44 years old and married with four children. He has been working for more than 15 years in animal husbandry and sales. He works very hard and earns a small income which he uses toward supporting his family. He is the main breadwinner in his family.

Unfortunately, Emomudin is ill. Because of his tireless, hard work, his health has deteriorated, and now he wants to get treatment at a medical clinic. He cannot because he doesn't have the ability to pay for the cost of his treatment all at one time.

He is asking for a loan from Kiva’s partner IMON to pay for his medication so he will heal quickly and return to his normal activities.

He sincerely believes in you.

This loan is special because:

It helps families pay for potentially life-saving medical expenses.

Loan details

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Loan details