A loan helped a member to buy basic staples like beans, corn, rice, and personal hygiene products at the wholesale level.

Emanuel Group's story

The Secretary of the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Emanuel” is 37-year-old Sandra, who is married with 3 children who range in age from 9 to16. The income from her convenience store helps fund the education of her children. She understands the tremendous value of a good education because she was only able to complete 3 years of schooling. Sandra has budgeted and planned so that her business can run smoothly.

Right now, she is requesting her 2nd Kiva loan to buy basic staples like beans, corn, rice, and personal hygiene products at the wholesale level. She is grateful for the opportunity to take out a loan.

There are 8 ladies in the Trust Bank that is located in the department/state of Sacatepequez. Their average age is 35 and the majority of them cannot read or write. A few have a 3rd-grade education. The women feel fortunate to empower themselves via their monthly educational training when a Facilitator from Friendship Bridge uses pictures, diagrams, role-playing and games to share information centered around an aspect of 4 topics: business, health, family, women.

Sandra shares, “The information and advice helps us a great deal and we can share it with our children and grandchildren so that they can learn and handle money as they get older.” This effective combination of loans, education and healthcare services is called “Microcredit Plus”.

Kiva investors partnering with Friendship Bridge play a vital role in the lives of Sandra and the women in the Trust Bank.

Thank you!

In this group: Sandra Elizabeth, Maria Luciana, Aura Marina, Juventina, Maria Leonor, Leticia Cristina, Cristina , Piedad

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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