A loan helped to purchase perfumes, creams, jewelry, makeup, etc.

Lucia Mariana's story

Lucia is 48 years old and is in a common-law relationship, from which she has three adult children, who are now independent. Her husband is a driver. They live in Manta, a prosperous city that is visited by many tourists who enjoy its wonderful beaches and a beautiful fishing port. Most of the people here earn a living fishing.

Lucia is a very hard-working woman who tries hard each day to get ahead along with her family. That is why she has been working selling Yanbal products (perfumes, creams, jewelry, makeup, etc.) for two years. She makes sales door to door, and she has a display case at her house, where she can exhibit her products. She sells on credit and charges every eight days. This way she can sell more while she is collecting payments.

This loan will be very helpful to her in improving her business. The loan is for the purchase of perfumes, creams, jewelry, makeup, etc. Her dream is that her business prospers.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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