A loan helped to buy stocks of clothing to start her own business, trading in clothing.

Tsiala's story

Tsiala is 34 years old and is a married woman, who was unable to get high education. She lives in Khornabuji with her husband and 2 daughters. The couple earns a living with a small agribusiness and also with Tsiala's small monthly income. She works at a local general store as a saleswoman.

According to Credo's estimation, the family belongs to the vulnerable poor category. Tsiala has requested a Credo loan for the start-up for a trading business of her own. Her loan request was approved within the framework of a joint initiative of Kiva and Credo. The start-up loan program envisages provision of business start-up and re-startup credits with soft conditions for the country's rural poor, who do not have access to credit products, being regarded as “high risk borrowers” because of low income.

Tsiala wants to purchase stocks of clothing in the capital, where the worldwide market is located, and sell in her village with price mark-ups. She will get private orders and make her own loyal costumers.

Tsiala and her family members awaits the support and kindness from Kiva lenders.

This loan is special because:

It helps vulnerable women start a new business.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details