A loan helped to buy seeds, fertilizers, and pesticide, and for plowing the land.

Doaa's story

Doaa is a wonderful young woman who tries her utmost to provide her family with a decent life. She is 29 years old and lives with her family in a village near Jenin, West Bank.

The family works in farming. They plant different types of vegetables and sell these to the markets. It is a good source of income, but seasonal.

Doaa wants to improve her family's work in order to enhance their living standard. For that, she went to Palestine for Credit and Development FATEN to request a loan to buy seeds, fertilizers, and pesticide, and for plowing the land. She hopes you will help by funding her loan.

This loan is special because:

It creates opportunity for women 35 and younger.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details