The Communal Bank “Rayos del Sol” (Rays of Sun) is located in a place called La Pampa. All of the members are from this neighborhood. They are an organized group of working people who are starting their second loan cycle. Katherina is the President, Bárbara is the Secretary, and Laura is the Treasurer. All of the members have retail businesses selling products such as gifts, undergarments, and embroidered dresses. The specific details are as follows:
As stated before, Katherina is the President. She manages a bazaar where she offers a variety of gifts for different ages and occasions. Her business has been in existence for three years.
Yoisy has been selling food for two years.
Maria Cristina has been selling clothing for three years.
Angelica has been selling food for one year.
Jessica has been selling breakfasts from a stall at the market for over two years.
Cinthia has been selling clothing for seven years.
Barbara has been selling food for one year.
Claudia Maria has been selling food for five years.
Leopold is a taxi driver and has been offering transportation services for eight years.
Laura Alejandra has a vending location where she has been selling undergarments for one year.
Silvana sells new clothing that she brings in from another city. She has been doing this for two years.
Finally, Cynthia has been in the food business for one year.
The members have indicated that they face stiff competition. For some, the competition does not bother them because they continue to work as a result of their experience. Many of them already have an established customer base. This loan will be used to grow their businesses by increasing their operating capital. Most of the members have worked with other microfinance institutions and developed good credit histories.
In this group: Katherina, Yoisy Cristina, Maria Cristina, Angela, Jessica, Cinthia, Barbara, Claudia Maria, Leopoldo, Laura Alejandra, Silvana, Cintia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.