A loan helped a member to buy sheep.

Bineta's Group's story

This group consists of 11 women who share strong ties of solidarity and mutual support. They live in the same village and took the opportunity to join the women’s group when it was set up in the area in February 2019. Their main occupation is cattle fattening.

Bineta (standing on the far right of the picture with her hand raised) is the group representative. She is 29 years old, married, and a mother of 11 children, including four boys. She has experience in animal fattening as she has been doing this job for several years.

With the loan, she plans to buy sheep and build up a reserve of livestock feed in anticipation of shortages. She is going to fatten the livestock for at least five months before reselling it.

With the profits, she wants to support her husband in caring for the family by pursuing an income-generating activity.

In this group: Bineta, Salla, Marième, Nola, Awa, Ndoungou, Penda, Fatimata, Souadou, Salla, Sala

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Madeleine Travers.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural Senegal.

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