A loan helped a member to buy supplies to make food, such as vegetables, condiments, bread, meat, eggs and other products.

San Miguel Group's story

The group called San Miguel is in its second cycle and its goal is that the members will all be able to grow, not only financially but also as people to be able to give their loved ones better living conditions.
Alicia is one of the members. She works selling food and comments that this work generates income and helps her family to get ahead. She hopes that the group can help one another so that everyone can meet their goals and will be able to improve their situations through their work.
She is requesting this loan to be able to buy supplies to make food, such as vegetables, condiments, bread, meat, eggs and other products to be able to continue with her work as she has been doing.

In this group: Celsa, Irene, Alicia, Ada, Noemi, Feliciana, Francisca, Antonia, Cecilia, Lorenza, Nancy, Marta, Nilda, Maria, Marcelina, Natalia, Sonia, Elisa, Maria

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catherine Dyck.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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