A loan helped to buy purses, bags, plated and steel jewellery.

Maria Ernestina's story

María lives with her husband and two of their children who are both adults. They have three children but one of their daughters has already left home. They do not have any family abroad.

María has been earning a living selling purses, clothes and jewellery for several years. She works full time every day of the week and her husband sometimes helps her.

She seeks a loan to buy purses, bags and plated and steel jewellery. The loan will help her have a more varied and better stock of different different products to offer her customers, which will in turn increase sales as well as profits.

Her dream is to be able to buy a house and share it with her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in El Salvador.

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