A loan helped to buy beer and sodas, as well as install a floor and plaster the walls to improve the appearance of his shop.

José Mirtiliano's story

Thanks to the support José Mirtiliano received with his previous loan, he was able to invest in cases of sodas and beer. His sales have now increased, as well as his clientele. He also sells a tripe soup that is known locally as “El Totumazo”. His children have been able to move forward and José Mirtiliano also made improvements to the shop where his business is located. He would like to send a message to his lenders: “Thank you for continuing to support me with the loans so that I can improve even more and attract more customers.”

José Mirtiliano is applying for financial assistance once again so that he can buy beer and sodas, as well as install a floor and plaster the walls to improve the appearance of his shop. Please support his business loan.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It provides borrowers in micro businesses with affordable loans.

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