A loan helped a member to pay her children's school tuition fees.

Fawatem Group's story

Fatima is the featured borrower of Fawatem group which consists of three Syrian refugees.
She got along with the other group members to acquire a Syrian refugee loan product from Kiva’s field partner Al Majmoua, because they’re working hard in order to improve their families’ living and businesses.
Fatima is a 36-year-old married mother of three. She runs her own food production selling business specialized in "Mouneh" to help her husband in covering their children's living needs and expenses. She's a sacrificing mother who works hard for the sake of her beloved family.
Today, her loan share will be used to pay her children's school tuition fees.
Fatima is the lady at the right-side. With respect to other group members, Fatema is the lady in the middle and Fatiima is the lady at the left-side of the picture.

In this group: Fatema, Fatima, Fatiima

This loan is special because:

It gives opportunity to Syrian refugees who have fled the war in Syria.

Loan details

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