A loan helped a member buy a much needed loom with wooden tools and high quality German thread.

Las Mujeres De Palop Chiquito Group's story

Eight women, including 20-year-old Magdalena, make up the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank "Las mujeres de Palop Chiquito" that is located in a rural area of the province of Quiche. The women are Maya Ixil.

Magdalena is single with a nine-month-old son, and lives with her parents. She is proud that she can help with the household expenses, as well as support her son, with income from weaving traditional blouses (huipiles). She wants to preserve the traditional clothing of her area.

Magdalena uses a backstrap loom to weave three huipiles per month using high quality thread. She is requesting a KIVA loan to fulfill several orders, as well as increase her inventory. She will buy a much needed loom with wooden tools and high quality German thread.

Magdalena and her Trust Bank friends visualize a prosperous future for themselves and their families through increased revues from their businesses of small textile workshops, as well as farms (pigs, chickens, sheep). They will be able to achieve their dreams with their first KIVA loan as part of the "Microcredit Plus" program of loans, education and healthcare services.

The program provides training in investment, entrepreneurship and leadership for Magdalena and her friends who have little or no formal education. Thank you, KIVA investors, for your much appreciated support!

In this group: Cecilia, Marta , Magdalena , Elena , Mauricia , Magdalena , Maria , Maria

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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