A loan helped to buy a biodigester to turn his farm waste into resources to expand his milk production.

Caleb's story

Caleb has 3 children and lives in the rural region of Belgut. His dream is to create a cost-effective, sustainable dairy farm to pass on to his children and even his future grandchildren.

Caleb is currently spending too much money on the propane required to heat the milk produced by his cows for pasteurization. With the Sistema Biobolsa biodigester, Caleb will reduce his reliance on expensive and non-renewable LP gas and agrochemical fertilizers by processing the manure from his 2 dairy cows to produce biogas and biofertilizer, helping both his wallet and the environment. This loan will help Caleb to install an 8-cubic-meter biodigester that will pay for itself after an average of two years.

The resulting reduction in operating costs will allow him to better deal with the fluctuating and unpredictable milk prices and make it easier for Caleb and his kids to continue the generations-old tradition of dairy farming in Belgut.

This loan represents 63% of the price of the biodigester; the remaining part is paid directly by Caleb.

This loan is special because:

It saves farmers money by transforming waste into biogas and organic fertilizer.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details