A loan helped a member to purchase more goats and pigs to sell to the community.

Dukundane Cyeza Group's story

Alexia is 45 years old and is a married woman. She has 10 children, 1 of whom is independent. Her children are between 1 and 23 years old. Her husband is a farmer, and they are organized. She has operated her business of selling goats and pigs to the community since 2007.

Alexia faces the challenge of little capital to continue her business; that is why she has requested a loan from VisionFund Rwanda via Kiva in order to expand her business by purchase more goats and pigs for resale to the community. With the profits she generates from her business, she will be able to educate her children without any problem and to expand her business.

Her group members sell cattle as well and have a general store. They promised to always pay on time. In the picture, Alexia is the woman holding a register book.

In this group: Jean De Dieu , Alexia , Chantal, Grisella

This loan is special because:

It supports female entrepreneurs helping to rebuild Rwanda's economy.

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