A loan helped to purchase farming inputs to boost the quality of her produce, earn more profits and, as a single mother who is unwilling to see her children suffer, support them.

Mary's story

Many single women in Kenya experience challenges when it comes to balancing parenting and feeding their children. Mary is different. She is a humble single mom whose main dream is to improve her home's conditions. She believes that living in a third-world country where opportunities are scarce is not an excuse for her not to triumph. Mary is unwilling to let her children suffer, and she sustains them using the proceeds of her farming business.

Because of her love for farming, she has even nicknamed one of her cows. Mary also grows different crop varieties such as maize and vegetables on her farm. The quality of Mary’s crops has dwindled due to the use of poor farm inputs. This has brought about low demand for her crops and has negatively affected her sales.

Access to modern-quality farm inputs is the pillar of the agricultural revolution. However, in Kenya, a developing country, fertilizer and seed allocation by the government is way below the needs of farmers. Mary is seeking a helping hand to purchase farming inputs such as fertilizers and hybrid seeds to boost the quality of her produce. Since Juhudi Kilimo, which is in partnership with Kiva, ventured into the affairs of smallholder farmers in Kenya, farmers can attest that there has been a significant improvement in input availability. This will elevate her standard of living, as well as that of her beautiful children.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals and farming equipment.

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