A loan helped to buy farming inputs, such as certified seeds and nutrient-rich fertilizer, for a divorced mom to grow more crops and meet the high demand for food in her village.

Mary's story

Mary (divorced) has a lovely smile that is contagious. A few years ago, Mary started farming on a small piece of land in a remote village in the Nyahururu area of Kenya. Today, this humble mother sells different food crops.

Access to modern-quality farm inputs is the pillar of agricultural revolution. However, in Kenya, a developing country, the government's fertilizer and seed allocation is way below farmers' needs. Since Juhudi Kilimo, which is in partnership with Kiva, ventured into the affairs of smallholder farmers in Kenya, farmers can attest that there has been a significant improvement in input availability.

That is why Mary is seeking this loan to buy farm inputs, such as certified seeds and nutrient-rich fertilizer. Kenya's Nyahururu area, one of the country's populated regions, has a high demand for food. This means that Mary could increase her profits and satisfy the existing demand. She now feels relieved because Juhudi Kilimo is partnering with Kiva's wonderful lenders to help hardworking female farmers like her turn their farming dreams into reality through training and loan financing.

Mary believes that this loan will be very helpful and that she will be able to satisfy the demand for crop foods.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details