A loan helped a member to buy seafood to stock her business and be able to continue to offer variety to her customers.

Port- El Renacer Group's story

Cruz Maria Narcisa is 59 years old and is in a common-law relationship. From this relationship she has five adult children. She belongs to this group made up of nine women and three men. They got together and made the group so they can continue improving their businesses and lives with the loans.

She is a fighter who together with her husband works hard to get ahead. She has a refrigerator in the local market where she sells all sorts of seafood. She provides the best service, offers top quality products and charges the correct weight.

She will use this loan to buy all types of seafood to sell. Her dream is to have a larger sales space.

Betty was with a sick family member and arrived late to the meeting so she appears in the attached photo.

In this group: Francisca Magali, Maria Mercedes, Aracely Elizabeth, Mercedes Monserrate, Cruz Maria Narcisa, Betty Robertina, Marcelo David, Angela Celedonia, Fela Margarita, Flerida Mercedes, Jose Bryan, Jose Ramon

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer leonardo.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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