A loan helped to buy a computer. This way, her granddaughter can do all her work.

Mariana De Jesus's story

Mariana De Jesus is 69 years old. She is married and has six children from this relationship. Her granddaughter lives with her. Her husband is a builder. They live in Portoviejo, a city rich in the production of vegetables, legumes and tropical fruit for domestic consumption.

She is a business woman and sells aluminium chairs and furniture. This is how she makes a living, however she has many expenses and is not able to cover them.

She will use the loan to buy a computer for her granddaughter. This way, she will be able to carry out research and jobs that are sent to her.

Her dream is for her granddaughter to become a great doctor.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Elaine Berry de Pulido.

This loan is special because:

It helps students afford tuition and book costs.

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