A loan helped to buy some calves to increase her income from cattle breeding.

Mira's story

Mira, 52, is married and has two sons. Mira has a high school education and has been engaged in livestock breeding since 1993, when she first bought a cow and a calf from her savings. Through her hard work and thanks to the support of her husband, she now owns 4 cows, 15 sheep and a horse.

Hoping to expand her business, Mira is requesting a loan of 120,000 KGS from Bai Tushum Bank. She would like to buy some calves to be able to increase her income from livestock breeding. Mira plans to reinvest the profits in her farm and to improve her family's living conditions.

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Translated from Russian.

This loan is special because:

The borrower receives a rebate on the interest rate if all repayments are made on time.

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