A loan helped .

William's story

I found my way into the field of mycology through a deep interest in remediation of ecosystems effected by anthropogenic influences on the environment. While completing my undergraduate degree at the University of Montana, I studied Communication and Climate Change and I became fascinated by the powerful ways mushrooms can be utilized to remediate ecosystems effected by issues such as; ground water runoff, erosion, and heavy metal contamination. I became inspired by the potential of mushrooms as a source of food and medicine, and the opportunity to minimize the footprint of industrial scale mushroom farms shipping their product across the country by cultivating mushrooms for my community and educating others on the ways they can cultivate this speciality crop for their community.

After I began cultivating mushrooms, the interest I was generating in my product inspired me to formulate the idea to utilize my business as a platform. Not only provide a nourishing food source and make a living, but to educate others on the wide-ranging potential of mushrooms. My dream is to grow the business into a mushroom company that focuses on sustainably cultivated mushrooms for the communities it serves, education on the medicinal qualities and environmental remediation potential of mushrooms, provide job opportunities, and contribute to the large scale change of food systems nationwide-one mushroom farm at a time.

This loan is special because:

This loan helps a farmer who practices sustainable agriculture buy equipment to increase production.

Loan details

About Front St Fungi

Industry: Agriculture
Years in operation: New Business
Website: frontstreetfungi.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details