A loan helped to help a single mom buy farm inputs such as fertilizers to improve her cabbage crop production.

Lilian's story

Dear Kiva lenders, get to know Lilian, a single mother (pictured on her cabbage farm) who wants to join Kiva in transforming lives.

She is a smallholder farmer from a remote village in the Eldoret area of Kenya. She started farming few years ago on a small plot she acquired. Her discovery of farming gave her wings and now she feels that she can fly towards success. Lilian practices mixed farming on her farm and through her profits she has managed to take care of her family's needs. To earn additional income, Lilian makes a commission on sales because she helps to arrange the logistics of getting farm produce from local farmers to their buyers. She continually makes efforts to build strong relationships because reputation is everything in her line of work.

Lilian is seeking a loan of 60,000 KES to buy farm inputs such as fertilizers to help improve her cabbage farm.

She wants to take advantage of favorable weather patterns, a good road network in her village, good soil and a ready market for vegetables products to reap more profits. Lilian hopes that with this loan, she will improve her living conditions. With an improved income, she will be able to assure her children of a secure future and uninterrupted learning because she will be able to pay tuition fees on time.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals and farming equipment.

Loan details

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