A loan helped a member to buy a tipper truck load of sand to make bricks to sell.

Kamboince "C" Group's story

Mr. Maurice is currently responsible for Kamboince "C" Group. Martial Wendpanga is not taking part in this loan cycle. Mr. Maurice is married and the father of a three-year-old child. He has three people to support.

He's been a brickmaker for the past seven years. He gets his supplies in his neighborhood. He intends to use the loan to buy one tipper truck load of sand to make bricks to sell. He will use his profits to put money away. He ambitions to expand his business and to support his family.

In this group: D.thierry, Maurice

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Patrick Stadelmann.

This loan is special because:

It empowers borrowers to grow their businesses.

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