A loan helped a member to buy more molasses to sell.

Namizzi Central Farmer's Group, Jinja's story

G. Peter is 30 years old and married with six children aged 12 to 2 years. He also takes care of his mother.

Peter is a businessman dealing in the sale of molasses that is used to distill alcohol. He says that his business is good except for the scarcity of limited raw materials hence making them expensive.

Peter has been in business for four years and he is able to make 50,000/= as profits a week and this is also mainly attributed to his good customer care and the high quality of his raw materials.

Peter’s business goal is to be able to buy more sugarcane for his business as well as educating his children for a brighter future. He needs a loan to be able to increase his business capital to buy more molasses.

In this group: Peter, Mukutaalu, Harriet, Baker, Lukia, Yazid, Badru, Aisha, Sarah, Hadijah, Christopher, Sarah, Jamawiyah, Nabirye, Renah, Florence, Deborah, Aidah, Rose, Ivan, Betty, Harriet, Zamirah, Betty, Rosemary

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