A loan helped to expand his farm with 5 heifers and a pig, to increase his family income and educate his children.

Sos's story

Meet Sos, a hard-working farmer from Agarak village. He lives with his wife and 3 children. As the main breadwinner of the family, he tries his best to assure a sustainable living.

Agriculture is his main activity and source of income. He keeps an inspiring number of bee colonies (a part of which you can see in the picture). He already has a loyal customer base, to which he sells his delicious honey.

Having thoughts of expansion in mind, Sos applied for financial assistance. With the provided loan he plans to diversify the farm with 5 heifers and 1 pig. Sos is sure that this investment will help him enlarge the farm and reach a wider market.

He is full of hope to increase the income from the agri-business so that his 3 lovely children will have a better future and most importantly, a proper education.

This loan is special because:

It supports clients who were rejected by other lending institutions.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details