A loan helped to purchase bales of mixed clothing that include shirts, jeans, blouses, children’s outfits, and dresses.

Diana Lizeth's story

Diana is a 30-year-old single mother who lives with her three children and the rest of her family in the town of Roatán, Islas de Bahía. She sells secondhand clothes such as blouses, T-shirts, trousers, shirts, shorts, skirts, dresses, and also shoes and purses. Diana started her business two years ago and it is located at her house.

She is requesting a loan from ODEF in the amount of 10,000 HNL so that she can purchase bales of mixed clothing that include shirts, jeans, blouses, children’s outfits, and dresses. By increasing her inventory, she hopes to attract more customers and improve her earnings. Her dream is to have a large store where she can sell secondhand clothes in a place where many people pass by. With her profits, she will be able to support her children and provide them a quality education.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers raising families on very little income.

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