A loan helped to buy trousers, t-shirts and blouses to earn an income to continue her education.

Kelly Dayana's story

Kelly Dayana lives in her parents’ home in Montecristi canton, known for its rich pre-colonial culture and handicrafts, which are known nationally and internationally.

Kelly is a very hard-working woman who is looking to earn money and, as a result, move forward with her studies, which cost a lot of money. Kelly makes a living selling clothing and shoes. She goes out to sell from door-to-door, and also at the university where she studies; her classmates are her best customers.

This loan will be used to buy trousers, shirts, blouses, and shoes. Kelly’s dreams are to finish her studies and become a great professional.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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