A loan helped to purchase classroom furniture and stationery for his students.

Mukhtar's story

Mukhtar is a 50-year-old man who established a school 15 years ago with the aim of providing underprivileged children an opportunity of receiving better educational services. There are 492 students enrolled in the school and 23% of them are female students.

The aim of the school is to encourage students to utilize their full potential and to have a positive attitude towards the code of behaviour of the school. To provide an enriching physical environment of the school, Mukhtar wants to purchase furniture and stationery for more students but is unable to do so due to a shortage of funds. He has requested an amount of 150,000 PKR for purchasing classroom furniture and stationery for his students.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income schools provide quality education in Pakistan's urban slums.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details