Neira is 34-years-old and she has a stable home with her spouse and minor children. Neira lives in her own one-story house made of rustic materials. She is from a farmhouse in Pampagrande and her and her family live in communion with the members of the farmhouse in the Querocotillo district. Their home has water.
Neira harvests coffee. It is an activity that she has done for 13 years from the Pampagrande farmhouse in the Querocotillo district. She has experience in the techniques of harvesting coffee, a produce that she sells in the Querocotillo district to merchants in the community and surrounding region.
Neira is asking for this loan in order to purchase agricultural consumables, such as fertilizers, in order to nourish her harvest and increase her yields. She wants to buy agricultural consumables to better her yields given that she hopes that the price of coffee will improve this year. This investment will help her increase her income in order to improve her quality of life and that of her family.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sarah Edwards. View original language description.