Wilder is 29 years old, in a common law relationship, and lives in his own home built of rustic materials with his partner and their children, in the district of Colasay, province of Jaén, department of Cajamarca, in the country of Peru.
He has very good references, both personal and work related, from residents of the area. The inhabitants of this town mainly work in agriculture, commerce, and livestock.
He is dedicated to agriculture, specifically growing coffee, with more than 3 years experience in the field. He is requesting a loan to invest in maintenance of his farm buying compost and fertilizers and to pay his workers, and also he wants to expand his agricultural area and this way obtain better income for him and his family.
Wilder is a returning Edpyme Alternativa borrower.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Gail LeGrand. View original language description.