A loan helped to buy material, fabric paint, stencils, brushes, rollers, wooden carved designs, and a new cutter.

Leuma's story

Leuma is 59 years old and married with 11 children. She makes and sells elei printed (traditional samoan patterned) fabric to earn a living and has been doing this for 3 years. She also makes and sells handicrafts to earn extra income. She has requested a loan to buy material, fabric paint, stencils, brushes, rollers, wooden carved designs, and a new cutter. This will help her business to grow. She plans to use her profits to pay for her families weekly expenses and her children's education. Leuma joined SPBD in 2017 to gain access to financial services.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details