A loan helped to buy farming inputs, such as seeds and fertilizer, to boost her production and make more income for her family.

Mercyline's story

Mercyline's success did not come as an accident. It came as a result of her hard work and determination. Today she points out a beautiful farm characterized by flowering maize plants. She is a married woman who always works hard to ensure she is able to support her children. She also has a timber cutting business.

In the modern world, agriculture has become exceedingly dynamic through the development of upgraded farm inputs such as high-quality seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. There is also a need to use improved farming inputs for effective production. A lack of farm inputs is a major problem that leads to the closing down of many farms due to poor quantity and quality of yields.

Mercyline is seeking a loan of 120,000 KES, which she will use to buy farm inputs such as certified seeds and high-nutrient fertilizers to expand her farm. By improving her business, she will reduce production costs and increase output. Her strategy is to use the returns from the investment to pay for more farm inputs.

Through the loan, Mercyline will attain food security in her house and also improve her living conditions. She would appreciate help with her loan today to keep her moving forward!

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals and farming equipment.

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