A loan helped to pay for labor to collect the harvest and to buy 2 pigs.

Cristian Guadalupe's story

Cristian is married and lives with her husband and 5-year-old son who depends on them. Cristian is a hard-working young woman who helped her parents raise pigs, poultry, and farm staple grains since she was very young.

She now has her own business where she works every day full time. She learned the business from her parents and has been doing it for several years. She uses her earnings to help with the household expenses.

She will use the loan to pay for labor to collect the harvest and to buy 2 pigs. The loan will be very helpful because it will give her the capital that she needs to collect the harvest and have more pigs. She hopes to obtain higher earnings to cover the household expenses.
Her goal is to strengthen the business and use the earnings to cover her household expenses.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in El Salvador.

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