A loan helped to buy more raw materials to expand her tailoring business, face life's difficulties and secure her children's future.

Rana's story

Rana is a 46-year-old, Jordanian, divorced women with two kids. After she got divorced, Rana was forced to face life's difficulties on her own with a responsibility of two school-aged kids.

Because of difficult life conditions, and for the kids' sake, Rana started working as a tailor by utilizing her four years of experience in sewing.

She opened a sewing business and started building her clientele from scratch, but she still aspires to grow her business to earn more. As such, Rana asked for a 1,900 JOD loan from Kiva field partner Microfund for Women to buy more raw materials to expand her business and make her dream come true by making her own designs.

This loan is special because:

It empowers a women-run business in Jordan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details