A loan helped to buy seeds and start a horticulture farming business since it is profitable and will enable her progress in 2019.

Priscillah's story

Priscillah has been a mixed farmer for ten years, and she has done tremendous improvements in her life. She wakes up very early each morning to make her fulfill her goals and ambitions. Through agriculture, she has made her life meaningful, and she has been able to send her children to school.

She is a forward looking mother who will never give up in the face of adversity. Priscillah is content with the farming way of life. Priscillah is a very enterprising woman, and although she never had formal education or formal employment, she has always worked hard on her farm, and she has always ensured her children and family can have a decent meal.

The Maua area has favorable conditions for horticulture farming, and that is why Priscillah is seeking a loan to buy seeds and start a horticulture farming business. With good roads, a good climate, and a good transportation network, she is sure that she will reap maximum profits and be able to increase her business.

Horticulture produce such as vegetables require good climate and a good transport network because they are perishable. Priscillah believes that this investment will bring profits, grow her business, and allow her to generate more income to fulfill her dreams of making some home improvements. Her goal is to give her family the best life possible.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details