A loan helped to buy soft drinks and bread to offer her customers.

Delmy Patricia's story

Delmy is married and lives with her husband and son. She has siblings living abroad. She makes a living running a store and also owns a pupusa shop. Her business is located at home and she works alongside her husband and son, who help her see to the customers. They work full time every day. She learned the trade on her own and has been in business for ten years.

She will invest this loan in the purchase of soft drinks and bread which she will offer her customers at her store. This investment will help her strengthen and diversify her business inventory. With the holiday season, there is higher demand from her customers, so sales and earnings will increase and she will be able to cover all of her household responsibilities.

Her dreams are to grow her business and to help her son finish school.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mariana Sanchis.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in El Salvador.

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