A loan helped to invest in the purchase of manure and fertilizers for his coffee crop, and to pay his workers.

Zamuel's story

Zamuel is 40 years old and in a common law marriage. He lives with his spouse and daughter in a home he owns, in the district of San Felipe, in the province of Jaen, in the department of Cajamarca, in Perú. He has very good references, both personal as well as professional, from the residents of the area. Those who live there work primarily in agriculture, business and cattle raising.

Samuel works in agriculture, specifically growing Catimor variety coffee. He has over eight years' experience in his field. He seeks a loan to invest in the purchase of manure and fertilizers, and to pay his workers. This will allow him to obtain greater earnings for him and his family.

Zamuel is a new member of Edpyme Alternativa.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It reaches the underserved.

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