A loan helped a member to buy five goats, including cost of their transport, in order to boost her original capital.

Tudumu Group's story

Christine has been the representative of the Tudumu community bank for the past five years and is an active customer of IMF Hekima. She is 52 years old, married and mother to seven children, five of whom are still studying. She began buying and selling goats 15 years ago with funds given to her by her husband, who is a nurse; since then she has received funding from Hekima.

With this loan she is going to buy five goats, including the cost of transport, to boost her initial capital. Her main concern is to see all her children through university but also to refurbish her house, the state of which is deteriorating. She reiterates her sincere thanks to Hekima and its partners for their devotion and support of those who are economically excluded.

In this group: Jeannette, Immacule, Adolphine, Deodate, Rosette, Mami, Furaha, Solange, Julienne, Arlette, Toyota, Speciose, Aline, Christine, Sandra, Christelle, Francoise, Marie, Marie

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Alison Le Bras.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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