A loan helped a member to buy yarn wholesale and some pigs.

Mujeres Misioneras Group's story

The Department/State of Quetzaltenango is the location of the second largest city of Guatemala. The official language is Spanish but several Maya languages are spoken. It is also an agricultural area where corn, wheat, beans, beans, and potatoes are grown. It also known for its artisan production that includes cotton fabrics, candles, tile and clay brick.

The Friendship Bridge Trust Bank "Mujeres Misioneras" with 11 Maya women live here. They are visionary women with primary educations who have small businesses, such as raising pigs and weaving "cortes" traditional wrap-around skirts.

The women are requesting a 2nd KIVA loan to insert more capital into their businesses and increase their inventories.

A member of the group is 29 year old Maricela. She shares "Thanks to my business of weaving "cortes" and raising pigs, I help with the expenses of my house and provide an education for my 6-year-old daughter. My wish is for the business to grow and in this way I can develop more." Maricela is requesting a KIVA loan and plans to buy yarn wholesale and some pigs.

More than 28,000 low income Guatemalan women, like Maricela, participate in the "Microcredit Plus" program of Friendship Bridge (loans, educational training and health care services). In their monthly meetings, the women learn about an aspect of 4 main topics: business, health, family, women. Maricela is happy to learn better business practices like budgeting, controlling expenses, and saving.

Thank KIVA!

In this group: Romelia Cristina , Rosa Audilia , Maricela , Rutilia Florentina , Ana Maria Clemente , Graciela Maria , Mirna Alicia , Alicia Rosario, Rosario Luisa, Florinda Maria, Sayra Karina

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details