A loan helped to buy baking materials like bags of flour, sugar, margarine, yeast, firewood, etc.

Josephine's story

Josephine is 40 years old, is married, and is the mother of two children of whom one is schooling and one is learning a trade.

Josephine has been a baker for seven years now, in spite of the challenges she faces. She uses flour to bake bread, cake, meat pies, etc., and retails them to her customers. She supplies them by herself in the market center to her customers and people also take bulk delivery from her.

Josephine’s only problem now has to do with adequate funds to buy raw materials as prices are going up. She requests a loan to upgrade her business. With the loan she believes she can provide for her family and most especially for her children’s education.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details