A loan helped to buy more mulberry for her business of making tapa.

'Unga's story

'Unga is 40 years old and married. Her husband is a farmer that works at their plantation.

They have three children, two currently attend school.

'Unga makes use of her talented to make "tapa" to generate income for her family, She's runs her business with her daughter and mother at their home.

'Unga earns weekly from her business to pay back her loan and also to help her family for living.

She faced a lot of challenges right after cyclone Gita struck last February. Her business destroyed.

In the future, 'Unga's vision is to run her business and maintain her income in order to build a house for her family.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details