A loan helped to purchase dairy cows to increase her her and the sale of organic milk.

Zamira's story

Zamira is 37 years old, married and has four children of school age. She has secondary education. By character, she is purposeful and responsible. As a main source of income for her family, she has worked with agriculture since 2008. Thanks to Zamira's persistent work, and the help of her spouse, she has a well developed farm. She has 1.02 hectares of land, on which she grows beans. She also has 7 cows and 10 sheep.

With an aim to further develop her business, Zamira turned to the bank "Bai Tushum" for a loan in the amount of 100,000 som (KGS) to purchase dairy cows to increase her herd and the sale of organic milk. Zamira plans to invest the income from the loan in further developing her farm. She will also use a part to build a house for her family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Audhild A..

This loan is special because:

It supports organic farming and includes a rebate if all repayments are made on time.

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