A loan helped a member to pay for labour to harvest her maize and Irish potatoes for selling.

Ncumbi Tukurakurane Group's story

Regina is requesting financial support. Regina says with the money provide she is going to pay for labour on harvesting her maize and Irish potatoes. She was born in the year 1950, isehappily married with 6 children and 4 dependents in her family.

Regina is a hard working woman involved in food crops growing especially maize and Irish potatoes.She also rears goats and pigs to supplement on her income. Regina has experienced 30 years with her hard work she has managed to educate her 2 children who are now teachers and she hopes to educate the other to higher levels of education in spite of price fluctuations for agriculture products.

In this group: Didas, Amos, Jane, Jane, Gregory , John, Julius, Yastina, Rossmary, Clovis, Regina, Jane, Felester, Mary, Julius

This loan is special because:

It targets extremely rural populations.

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