A loan helped a member to buy a variety of basic necessities, hygiene products, baked goods, and other products.

Trabajadoras Group's story

The group called Trabajadoras is in its sixth loan cycle in the women's bank program, in which they all work and mutually help each other get ahead. They're very enterprising women who are looking for ways to be able to give their families a better future so they never have to suffer any hardships.

One of the members, Daniela, with effort and constant work and through her sales earns the means to help her family. Daniela has a small grocery store that she started with great sacrifice and has been improving little by little with her hard work. She's happy to be part of the group because it will be a big help to her for continuing with her business.

She's requesting this loan to be able to buy a variety of basic necessities, hygiene products, baked goods, and other products.

She's grateful for the opportunity to receive this loan, which will be a big help to her.

In this group: Isidra, Miryan, Elena, Ydalina, Águeda, Perla, Mónica, Nathalia, Elva, Daniela, Marta, Veronica, Clariza, María, Candia, Edith, Lucina, Veronica, Alicia, Griselda

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catharine Wall.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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