A loan helped a member to buy more stock items like salt and sugar to sell.

Twekambe Ikoba1 Kikuube Group's story

John lives in Hoima Uganda. He is a very hard-working man who ventured into the operating of a retail shop mainly selling sugar, bread, and rice and cooking oil among other items.

He is a member of Twekambe Ikoba 1 Kikuube where every member guarantees one another to get financial help from banks. He hopes to grow his business into a whole sale shop. His main challenge is inadequate capital.

He is requesting for a loan facility to buy more stock items like salt and sugar to sell.

In this group: John, Benon , Bizi , Christopher , Richard , Tito -, Andrew -, James , Benon , Watson , Emanuel -, Godfrey , Charles

This loan is special because:

It targets extremely rural populations.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details