A loan helped a member to buy vegetables, meat, bakes goods, produce and more.

San Ramon Group's story

This committee is called San Ramón. It is an active group made up of 21 women. They support solidarity, cooperation, communication and responsibility as fundamental pillars of society.

One of the members of this committee is Adelaida, who has a well stocked grocery and a clothing store. She is very enterprising and hardworking. She is grateful to be a part of the committee, because with it she can help her family and give them better living conditions.

She is asking for this loan to buy vegetables, meat, baked goods, produce and more. She is grateful for the opportunity to continue with her work as she has been doing.

In this group: Bartola, Simona, María, Silvia, Mariana, Benita, Manuela, Beatriz, Norma, Vidalina, Nery, Vicenta, Benigna, Miguela, Blanca, Zulma, Ubalda, Lourdes, Blanca, Nelva, Adelaida

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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