A loan helped invest in an industrial blender and possibly open a second location.

Monica's story

It was only shortly after they married 12 years ago that Monica and her husband started this bakery. Their location on the main road of the city certainly helps them attract a steady flow of clients. They are repeat Kiva and Mifex lenders. Thanks to their first loan Monica and her husband were able to invest in the ingredients for bread and also in new products to sell from her bakery. She and her husband now sell yogurt, soda and fresh juice. She is extremely grateful for the loan she received and is now applying for a second one. With this second loan she will invest in a new industrial blender for her bakery. She is also seriously contemplating opening a new bakery under the leadership of her son at a separate location.

Mifex offers its clients microinsurance and access to business training and educational programs. For more information about microfinance, Ecuador, and our services, please visit www.mifex.org.

Loan details

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