Francisca is 35 years old and a single mother. She has five children and she lives with her family in the municipality of Nueva Frontera, Santa Barbara. Eight years ago, she decided to start her business growing and selling coffee. She sells the harvests that she obtains to brokers or at the market in the area. She wants to make a few improvements to her coffee crop, which is why she has requested a group loan from the institution to buy supplies for planting and to pay for manual labor to clean the land. Her goal is to have a better production and to expand her sales to more parts of the country. With this income she hopes that her farm grows larger and that she can give her children a better lifestyle.
Francisca belongs to the group GS Las Flores Techin, which is made up of three people that live in the same zone and have a lot of experience growing coffee. The amount of the loan will be 12,500 Lempiras [HNL]. They will invest in the maintenance of their farms, fertilizer, and supplies for growing coffee. In the photo, from left to right, are Erlyn, Francisca and Neftali.
In this group: Francisca, Erlin Yamileth , Neftali

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer David Urry. View original language description.